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I have yet to play through the "final" endings of this game because I'm savoring it as much as possible but this has been a treat. Watching the story about this world unravel with each "play through" of this game is incredibly fun and intriguing. I like the characters and designs (I really fw the gothic-ish aesthetic) and the world design is great as well. I played this at the perfect time in my life where I actually want to spend time playing everything it has to offer instead of speed running the story as I would've prior to watching Frieren. That's a tangent though, all I have to say is that I think this game is incredible.

So, the first game captured me when I wasn't even a teenager, I found it and thought it was cool, i was in love with creepy pastas at the time so as a little kid in 2018 or so this was the greatest thing ever. I later forgot about it, then came back to it 2020s and refreshed myself on the lore with Matpat videos, then this game came out, I was stoked. Now this is essentially the same exact game as before, though for systems instead so now the aspect that made it unique is gone, the fact that the game would fuck with its own files doesn't make sense on a switch for example. However, if you were tapped into the DDLC lore, this shit gave you a decent amount to work with, and it was a fun ride. I won't keep babbling, but for DDLC lore fans this was a treat. The original game was fun too of course, I've loved that for years.

I've spent more than 200 hours in this game lol