Time for School Photos!

Folder: Aesthetic Lists
"Okay class, let's line up and head to the gym. Now I want you all to have your WHOLE FACE VISIBLE in the picture, or else we'll get angry letters from your parents. I don't care if the top of your head is cut off though, nobody looks at that anyway. Any of you with FLOATING HEADS WILL BE LEFT OUT, a neck must be attached at the very least. Don't try to sneak your friends in, you MUST BE THE ONLY FACE IN YOUR PHOTO unless there's a teeny-tiny one in the distance. Make sure you pose correctly, NO RAISED ARMS ALLOWED and you'd better be FACING FORWARD WITHOUT TWISTING and ONLY VISIBLE FROM THE WAIST UP AT MOST, got it?"

""For those of you who are goofing around and stuck your faces together in an attempt to fool the photographer, please direct yourselves to the Harvey Dent Fan Club."

List has now been capped at 200, any new additions will replace games that didn't fit the theme as well.


Your Amazing T-Gotchi!
Your Amazing T-Gotchi!




Zelda's Ballad
Zelda's Ballad


Zet Zillions
Zet Zillions


Zombie Army 4: Dead War
Zombie Army 4: Dead War


Zombie Army Trilogy
Zombie Army Trilogy


Zoo Tycoon DS
Zoo Tycoon DS


Dishonored, Helltaker and even The Witcher 3 could fit nicely here, tho I would understand arguments against them. I'm sure there are a lot of box arts that do this that aren't here and I can't remember, but right now, these three inmedeatly come to mind. Great idea for a list!

1 year ago

@DemonAndGames AAHHH SORRY I hit "Public" before I finished the description. It's got criteria in there now, I had to keep it real strict or else it'd be a mile long lol but your recommendation led me to the Witcher 2 art, which fits perfectly!
@thealexmott Don't worry! I already knew that they wouldn't for one reason or another, and the criteria really makes sense for what you are going for, so I totally understand it.

But at least I'm glad that thanks to my submissions you found a game that did fit in!

1 year ago

This is a great list! You also did a great job seeding it; most of the ones I could come up with are kinda questionable based on your criteria:

1979: Revolution
Lords of the Fallen
Riddick 2

1 year ago

@cowboyjosh Thanks! Lord of the Fallen goes straight to the top. Like I told Demon, I kept it REAL strict because it was ballooning out of control, so 1979 (side crop face), Riddick (not facing forward) and Outlast (too much body visible) don't quite fit the criteria. But I tell you what, I am this close to doing lists for other poses lol

1 year ago

Absolutely! I found another couple possibilities in my wishlist:

Hellblade 2

1 year ago

@cowboyjosh Judas is perfect! Hellblade 2 is actually already on the second page :)

1 year ago

Some games that maybe could fit are:

Alter ego
Ronin the last samurai
The ultimate doom

11 months ago

You can judge these:

Better Call Saul
Ultimate Spider-Man
Devil May Cry 2
Just Cause
Hypnospace Outlaw

11 months ago

I think you could throw in Mega Man Zero 3 and Meat Boy (though the latter one is weird)

11 months ago

@DeltaWDunn @PunnyPeace I appreciate the suggestions! But I've had to keep this one pretty strict or else the list would be like 8 pages long lol

All the criteria for the list are bolded in the description, but the whole head must be visible with no cropping except maybe a tiny bit off the top, must be facing forward without twisting or posing, no raised arms, and not visible below the waist.

10 months ago

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10 months ago

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10 months ago

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10 months ago

𝘚𝘰𝘯π˜ͺ𝘀 1 and 𝘏𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘰 𝘎π˜ͺ𝘳𝘭 cud be on here

7 months ago

I guess these two should fit the bill:
Dracula: The Resurrection - https://www.backloggd.com/games/dracula-resurrection/
Flesh Feast - https://www.backloggd.com/games/flesh-feast/

7 months ago

@meowthed000 perfect! Thanks so much, that puts the list at 200!

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