Not sure how I found this on here but the title intrigued me, and uhhhh this is barely a game. Admittedly, I don't know how really works, but can you upload anything and get an IGDB page? This is an undercooked minigame without a win or loss condition. There's nothing awful, nothing great, it's just... a student project. Weird that it's on here!

Reviewed on May 09, 2023


1 year ago

AFAIK isn't necessarily a culprit; I think pretty much anyone can add anything to IGDB. I've created entries there before.

1 year ago

Oh I've created dozens of IGDB pages, I guess I just am wondering what their criteria is for a game being added to the DB. Because this isn't much!

1 year ago

Yeah, that's what I mean; I don't think there really are any. I think it uses the wiki model of "accept (basically) all submissions, fix whatever needs to be fixed after the fact".
If you want to get into stuff I think Franken would likely be up your alley, I haven’t played it yet but I’ve heard really good things and it’s pretty short. Also you might like Sightless as well, but I don’t really know as much about that one. is a really great resource for passionate indie projects and neat little experiments like this one, and I hope to explore it more because there’s a lot of great stuff to find!
Oopsie meant to say i hope *you explore it more (but I gotta do that too as a lot of good games have come out on it recently!)

1 year ago

@ResidentMelville ooh that's right! I wishlisted Franken ages ago, I've gotta knock that one out! I've really been enjoying a lot of the short experiences people have made on there, it's a nice refresher from longer games
I love for exactly that reason! So many unique little hidden gems on there and it can be really fun to just try out a whole bunch of neat little games in a sitting, like an hors d'oeuvres (had to look up how to spell that 😬) platter