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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 3, 2021

Platforms Played


At the first university I attended I lived in the dorms. Two friends hated their roommates and basically moved into our dorm's living room. One of them had a PS2 and Final Fantasy XII. I watched them play a lot of the game together, mostly gameplay but I caught a little story here and there. The names of the characters were burned into my brain. I couldn't forget the semester I watched them play Final Fantasy XII, and I finally bought it and played it.

This game is the first Final Fantasy I've played and I truly enjoyed it. I wish I could have played it with my two friends. I messaged one of them about it while I played, but it wasn't the same as them sitting on the floor of the dorm room playing together. I loved navigating menus in this game. Any game that can make navigating menus fun is a good game. I loved figuring out gambits and tinkering as I went from area to area. Unfortunately, my problems with the game come from this same mechanic. It is exceptionally easy on the story path. I made the game play itself because I set up my gambits so well. While I did love the feeling of everything working out, I wish the game would have thrown more curveballs my way. On the other hand, the post game hunts cannot be solved by gambit tinkering. Levels are critically important, and if characters are underlevelled they are too difficult in a way that cannot be solved by gambit manipulation. I wish there were a middle ground of difficulty between easy story and difficulty post-game, but that is not the case.