Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

6 days

Last played

May 11, 2023

First played

November 7, 2022

Platforms Played


I really tried to like this and to finish it but I can't.
The combat is good, the setup is interesting, I liked the idea of focusing on exploration but I feel like Mass Effect games aren't meant to be open world and that was the first of many missteps. It just doesn't feel like Mass Effect. The open worlds are filled with the usual collectathon and get boring so quickly. There's what appears to be an infinite number of side quests consisting of "collect this", "shoot these creatures in this boring place in the middle of the desert".
The main plot is kind of interesting but again, it's kind of a new coat of paint on the story we've seen before. The angara are interesting and their culture is rich but... it's a new galaxy and they're the only new species we find? And they didn't even bother to bring so many of the old ones, how can they not bring back the quarrians at least?
Ryder is dull, the companions are all so boring, and a mass effect game without the characters is just... well... this. If the characters don't interest me the whole experience is ruined, I can't care. And part of the problem is the childish and comedic tone that doesn't fit in the Mass Effect universe.
Mass Effect is one of my favorite series, I don't understand how they screwed up so bad. Generic, flawed and boring.