5 reviews liked by toon4me

Gen fucking sucks. Tescos wouldn't accept it as a return cause it was opened. Never touched it again

Terrible map rotation. Shitty mechanics. Pain in the arse fanbase.

But I ride or die by my Fall Goys. 1 star game, 1 star for Mr Beast theme, Family Guy Maroon5 & Andrew Tate theme and 1 star for my clutch hoop dive and Matthew being genuinely impressed by me in regard to a video game for the first time ever.

Cammy Grounds type game. If you find this game funny I don't think we would get along.

Don't wanna debate these games. Sorry Matthew.

You're a big dumb dumb if you like this game. It makes all the Assassin's Creed stuff a burden, which in turn makes you realise how shite Assassin's Creed kind of is. Pirate stuff isn't even that fun. Dumb dumb game.