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Time Played

8h 50m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 5, 2021

Platforms Played


This review contains spoilers

(Note: This review is old and likely doesn't match my current opinion. Will likely rewrite in the future)

Really great game. I had high expectations for this game and it lived up too all of them. Very fun to play through.

It definitely peaked in the first half though, but the second half was still really good too.

The only thing I wish is that this game explored the cult side of the village more and it's religion, but I guess that stuff doesn't really matter to the overall story.

Also, bonus points for protagonist death. Love when games do that, but honestly this one didn't hit as hard since Ethan had died so many times before that seeing it happen again, I was like "are you suuuuure he's gone?", though that text at the end where it's like "The story of the father is over" hit hard. I hope Resident Evil 9 will have Rose as the main character, that would be sick.

Edit: Changed from a 4.5 star to 4 stars, since while looking back on this game I realized how little horror there actually was. Sure when it was scary it was some of the scariest shit I've ever seen, but that doesn't make up for the majority of this game not being scary. I hope for RE9 they find I good inbetween of scary and action.

Edit 2: moved back up to 4.5 stars because Heisenberg