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Time Played

2h 30m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

September 27, 2020

Platforms Played


(Note: This review is old and likely doesn't match my current opinion. Will likely rewrite in the future)

Despite this being a replay, I had forgotten almost everything about this game before playing. All I remembered was the basic plot of some guy showing off his friend's old game collection, and I'm happy I did forget since I got to reexperience this like it was my first time again.

The game is very short, but that is the point. It's meant to tell a simple, but very impactful story more than be an enthralling gameplay experience. Hell, this is more of an interactive movie rather than a game. All you do is walk around really.

I can't talk much about the story since that's what this game is all about, but I will just say it's a great story and worth your time, and was something I wasn't expecting at all, but it hit me really hard.

However, it might not be worth your money. This game is 10 dollars, which I think is a little pricey. $5 or less is much more reasonable. I would 100% recommend this game to anyone, but I'd wait for a sale.