An adorable, flagrantly British adventure that is always barraging you with an endless stream of hilarious and tragic new scenarios and setpieces, each wildly different from the last in setting and tone, all while excelling in everything for just about the entire experience. The story is playful and silly while also deeply tragic and emotional, and is one of my favorites to come from gaming in a while. The gameplay is no slouch, either, as it's chock full of brilliantly designed puzzle platforming scenarios while always keeping things fresh. I mean, hell, the last 3rd of the game just goes full-on Metroidvania after 15 hours of a more traditional linear adventure platformer.

It has some issues, the aforementioned Metroidvania section can grow tiresome after a while and it is lacking some polish, but otherwise, this is a criminally underrated game that everyone should play. This is like Undertale levels of good.

Reviewed on Nov 15, 2023
