First I want to say that Yume Nikki is not for everyone, that can be said for pretty much every game because everyone has their own interests and things that they look for in a game, but in Yume Nikki's case, it genuinely does take a specific kind of person to get some enjoyment out of something like this.

Yume Nikki is unique because it's atmosphere isn't like any other, there's monsters, worlds, and people you see throughout the game but given little to no context on what it all means and why it exists, by why should the game tell you everything, why should it all make sense? it's a dream and dreams are meant to not make sense and that's what I like about this game a lot, it truly encapsulates what a dream is, not some fleshed out deep narrative but just randomness that can almost make sense if you think about it but in the long wrong, is essentially up to personal interpretation. It's easy to call this game some pretentious artist nonsense, but it isn't pretentious at all, it doesn't try to throw themes and some kind of deep narrative in your face, it just gives you a lot of randomness and leaves you to make up what you can of it.

I'm not going to say this game is some masterpiece, I'm not gonna lie and say that the game play is genius and that it's some high form of art, the game is freaking boring and it's easy to get lost in, it has a lot of flaws, a lot of the worlds become frustrating to navigate and areas seem so samey and overused, but despite all of it's flaws, I still love this game greatly. I recommend this game to people who want a unique experience and who want to try something new, something they may have never tried before.

Reviewed on Aug 16, 2022
