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Finally wrapped up the game after dropping it earlier this year. I managed to get through the whole thing only restarting once towards the beginning of the game, which made for an interesting experience where I spent its entire twenty-odd hours anticipating needing to do it all over again and ultimately being just fine. The other side effect of that though is that I never got the pay-off of restarting and having all of the skills and banked EXP giving me the power trip of blowing through the once difficult earlier game. In any case!
The game has so much personality. There are so many bizarre design decisions and weird quirks to the game that you need to slowly figure out yourself, and even now I couldn't tell you with certainty what you do and don't lose when you do the different kind of SOLs, but it's so strange and compelling.
The Regent fights at the end are impressively tough, and each time I was convinced that this would be the boss that sent me back to the beginning only to come out ahead. Absolute Defense is a crazy mechanic, but it really does a lot to crank up the tension in the end game.

Started this up on a whim and was shocked by how immediately fun I found it. I'm worried that in the long-term the strategy-heavy nature of the combat will get tiresome (already slowly picking apart a mob of enemies one-by-one isn't that engaging) but am hopeful that with more tools will come deeper or more interesting fights.
I'm trying not to get too hung up on missing skills or sub-optimal item usage or whatever, but knowing that I've already missed a one-time chance to get a skill off a boss (thanks for unequipping my shield skill, item shop!) is painful.
The game's got great style though. That perfect, early-2000's post-Matrix future-grime. I want to say it's a killer aesthetic curveball for the Breath of Fire series, but I'm ultimately not familiar enough with the previous games to know if that's actually the case.