100% Achievements

Fun for those looking for a wheel of fortune+RPG typing game experience with charming/humorous writing. I played with friends, which made it really engaging and fun for my playthrough. The ending was a little lacking, but it set out what it said it was going to do.

97% achievements because the banana achievement doesn't work.

A task-based game, and very short. About 5 hrs to do everything, which some of the tasks were very tedious (and not the good grinding way). Honestly, I wish it was bigger or more dense with things to do. Some glitches here and there, and would only recommend this when it's on sale.

No Achievements.

Thought the gameplay loop was alright, but definitely had issues with glitches and crashing. Didn't really have much of a fulfilling story but very pretty art.

I completed the game at 100% somehow.

I really loved Golf Story because it embodied all the aspects I loved about the old Nintendo Mario Tennis and other games they released at that time. So, this sequel was something I was very much looking forward to.

Unfortunately, it did not deliver. Based on the secret dev rooms, you can tell there was a lot of conflict with how this game was expanding and becoming something likely the original devs weren't happy about. And they had to release something rather than pushing it back. It's very clear where things got rushed, bloated, and unfinished. Lots of pieces didn't end up connecting together storywise and it was a complete mess.

I'm so sorry to the devs. I hope they will go on to make something they truly love again. Wanted so badly to love this, but the glitches were too much that it was barely playable.

97/103 Achievements.

If you like a game that has a lot of grinding, this is it. It's really quick toward the beginning, with lots of different methods of making supplies and money. The last few achievements are difficult only because it requires almost an unreasonable amount of time and resources. So if you want to 100% achievement this game, you might have to leave the game running for a bit, which I didn't want to do.

Good beginner rogue-lite for the squid kids.

Some challenges and forcing players to try different weapons in order to unlock more is a great way to diversify the gameplay. Note, everyone is correct. Very short.

Base game, no DLC.

I think this is a really great "I'm in bed, going to play this on my steamdeck to go to sleep" kind of game. The repetition is just enough to keep me engaged but aspects put me right to sleep. 10/10 for sleeping!

It's really slow starting out, and they don't show you specific things that will make your life a little easier (like adding products to your shopping list and now to manage that), and how to identify "parts not discovered". A lot of it I learned through looking at Reddits.

After those hang ups, I think it's rather straight forward and I ended up learning a lot about car parts. Maybe not how assembly works irl, but I'm more conscious about my real life vehicle's rust... and perhaps have gained a bit of sympathy for mechanics who have to deal with uncared for cars.

Loved playing this as a kid, but that was during a time where games like this didn't need much to be entertaining!

Played it for the first time again this year, and it did not age well, but the educational aspects might be fun for a kid. For maybe a few hours. hahahaha. Very nostalgic though!

Capitalism, ho!

No achievements.

I think this game is rather short, if you're focused on the main goal of paying off your debt and min/maxing store selling. I couldn't really enjoy the characters and writing until after the "debt era" of working, and I think the writing is silly and fun. Dungeons can be repetitive when the items dropped don't scale with what you're capable of selling, and the drop rates are enormously bad to make fusion a viable selling option for the store. However, VERY great art direction, and I love the overall game feel.

If you're looking for something cozy to play when you're about to go to sleep, this has done the trick for me. The gameplay loops are short, and they account for those who want to replay the "debt era".

100% achievements.

Great game with a fun story. Was scary at first, but after understanding the mechanics, it was really relaxing. Loved doing the restaurant management stuff.

100% achievements.

Great game, a lot of little tasks to do for those who enjoy that. Love the writing.

90% achievements unlocked.

Originally played on the Switch, but had some lag issues. PC version runs great. I suck at combat roguelite games, but the base building aspects helped me through most of it and made it fun.

100% achievements.

Short and cute, game feel is great, and story is lovely. Similar to A Shorthike, in all the good ways.

100% Achievements.

Starts off nice and strong, but wish there was more. Pretty short, and wish there was more achievements for finding all the animals.

100% base game with full achievements.

After getting past the initial horror elements, the game is fairly relaxing afterward when you spend time dredging up things from the ocean and finding all the fish. A very robust game for its price, and the story is great for its length.

Loved the upgrade system.