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Time Played


Days in Journal

13 days

Last played

July 16, 2023

First played

May 29, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


(Played using the emulator Dolphin on Windows. I do own the game physically but I just found that more convenient)

I can definitely see why a lot of people miss this kind of Paper Mario game; that was pretty great! The combat manages to feel simple and approachable while still having quite a bit of depth thanks to the variety of badges and partners available (I definitely recommend investing the bulk of your level-ups into BP so you can mess around and find the badges that work for you, there's a looooot of great ways to use them). Action Commands are also a fun way to spice up combat, and I really liked hitting the Stylish! moves too (even if i never figured out the timing for some of them). The solid writing and cast of characters made for a fun story too! Nothing groundbreaking, but it was well worth the 40 or so hours I spent playing. I'm also really fond of the art style; few other games that have been out this long have aged this well visually.

Though I must say, I kinda found myself wishing the game was a little more difficult overall. Not that it's mindlessly easy, but I really enjoyed how challenging the last few bosses were, and I just think it would've been cool to have a bit more of that. That's what the Pit of 100 Trials is for, I suppose. I'm not really gonna fault TTYD for this; as a big Kirby fan, I'd be a bit of a hypocrite to do so. What I will fault it for is the moments where it brings its pacing to a standstill. If you've heard anyone say something bad about the game before, it's almost definitely this, and for good reason. While it doesn't happen too often IMO, it's pretty boring when it does. Chapter 4 is definitely the worst offender with how much you have to go from Twilight Town to Creepy Steeple and back. It's not too bad if you're patient enough, but that patience will be tested, believe you me. My rating for the game is very close to a 4.5/5, but I just can't quite do that because of the pacing issues.

But yeah, if you can handle the game's wonky pacing, I think you'll be in for a good time! I'll definitely be replaying this one eventually, it's quite a gem despite its issues.

now if i could beat the shit out of the happy lucky lottery bob-omb my rating would be higher