Modern Persona Games

I plan to do a full list once I play the older games but here is just the modern "Hashino trilogy" ranked.

Best story and character in the series, but the gameplay is fun now and it also brought all of the good changes p5 made to the series.
This game just improved p5 in pretty much every way even if some stuff was pretty minor. Add the new third semester content on top of that which manages to be the best arc in the game, and you have yourself a great game.
I haven't beat this one yet but somehow it looks better then the rerelease, and Chie is less annoying.
While I think it's the worst of the modern 3, p4 is still pretty good. I just wish it wasn't Drake's favorite video game.
The best story in the series but the gameplay is mildly annoying and half of the voice actors kinda suck ass.
While this game added a ton to the series, you can tell it had some development struggles or something, the story in this one just doesn't hit quite as hard as the other games. The first arc was great but nothing ever reaches that height sadly.


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