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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 27, 2022

Platforms Played


A funny little game that's more than the sum of its parts. That's a good thing, because the individual parts are often pretty lacking.

The premise of the game is extremely appealing: you are the college dropout child of a successful businessman who is given a grotty looking launderette to run as a way of learning business. You start off doing people's laundry but there are arcade machines in the back of the launderette which end up making more money and that ends up feeding back into itself and you end up with 30-odd arcade games, which you play in order to increase their earning potential.

It's a game of some pretty amazing ambition - 35-plus original games in one, for less than 20 quid? Unfortunately all of them have at least one major issue which seriously harms them. Universally, the big issues are poor controls and obnoxious CRT shaders but many games have other major issues, like the Arkanoid clone with shockingly poor physics, the DDR game with the arrows in the wrong order, the racing game which has corners that you can't take without crashing or the Super Hexagon game which seems to run in slow motion. It's not exactly Cassette 50 but I don't see myself coming back to any of them soon.

It still kept me going for 20-odd hours though; the voice of the character's father is well played and they absolutely nailed the progression. The games being fairly low quality doesn't matter so much when they're constantly coming in. With some more options and a bit of refactoring of things like the controls (especially in the games and on interacting with objects in the world) I think quite a few of the games could be genuinely a lot of fun, and since they're actively patching I think this might be worth revisiting in a few months.

Steam Deck report: After the first patch after a week or so, it just works. Pretty much solid 60 and I played 95% of the game on it. A good time waster.