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341h 0m

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A good game, although honestly after Monster Hunter World it is very difficult to surpass that peak, and obviously it does not surpass it even remotely. However, it has different mechanics than MHW, but I hate that they removed mechanics that were implemented in MHW that made it a better game. In any case, it is a game that applies new unique mechanics well, they added cordocopters, and a dog that you can ride to get to places faster. However, they should have balanced the game a little more, since as soon as you start they give you level 7 armor, which makes you almost immortal if you know how to play a little.

As for the scenarios, compared to the previous game, they seem somewhat boring and do not seem to be at the design level. I've only played 5 Monster Hunter titles since 2005 and this one feels more like older titles like Monster Hunter Freedom Unite but with advanced graphics 15 years ahead.

However, both games cannot be compared, Rise is different despite being from the same franchise. The environment, for example, is calmer, calm to the point that a monster hits you and you don't feel that they are hard until you reach rank 8 and each game, even if it takes 40 minutes, seems to take 15.

It takes you 25 hours of the game to know that you are going to repeat the same maps over and over again for the next 1000 hours. It will take you 30 or 40 minutes to complete each mission as you will want to explore and farm as much as possible.

After 40 hours of playing you realize that you wasted your time farming since IT IS NOT NECESSARY because your items become obsolete with a click when you go from Low Rank to High Rank. There is no gradual improvement, simply from one mission to another you have everything obsolete and you will continue using the same Level 7 armor that they gave you at the beginning and you will end up rushing the objective, and killing the monster in 10 or 12 minutes maximum.

After 60 hours you get to the "real" game and you feel that you are starting to have a hard time killing enemies. All this without manufacturing ANYTHING, just improving the main weapon you choose from the 14 classes they give you at the beginning of the game 4 times.

Later in the game, around 100h you start experimenting with amulets and things like that, which is when they really come in handy. But honestly it is not worth spending 80 hours doing the same thing over and over again, since you will only spend 80 hours dodging and left clicking 2150 times until you kill the creature they sent you.

The game is so easy that my friend is at Rank 10 without having read a single dialogue or tutorial in the game.

If you don't like farming games over and over and over and over again. I don't recommend it, for you it will be a 0/10. At first it will surprise you but after 20 hours of playing when you run out of new maps it plummets a lot.

If you like farming games over and over again. Games where you can spend 1500 hours doing the same thing all the time in addition to having friends who like it too and want to hunt monsters together is highly recommended. Something close to a 7/10.

For me, personally, nothing new more than leaving everything behind 200 hours of gaming and micropayments. It bored me so much that I decided to revive my PSP and play Monster Hunter Freedom, which I have put even more hours into than this title.