This one was interesting

It’s set in a world with a machine and bug hybrid aesthetic, the playable character is a humanoid robotic bug

You carry around these globes that are used to activate mechanisms on levels. But these globes also ARE levels, you can warp inside of them. You can warp inside a globe while carrying another globe. So you warp in and out of these globes depending on where you need them

Each globe has a boss, that when you defeat it unlocks the globe ability that you will need to progress elsewhere

Kinda trippy, but it’s designed in a way that you can notice without much difficulty when there’s nothing you can do where you currently are so you need to go elsewhere

Visuals and soundtrack are great and contribute to the atmosphere

Loses half a star because it felt like it could push the complexity a bit further, it does have some clever puzzles involving multiple level warping but the game sometimes actually scales the difficulty back

Reviewed on Oct 22, 2023
