This game is good and it's also scary. Like really scary.


second best yume nikki fangame after yume 2kki. probably tied. its so good and has an amazing atmosphere.

Good game but the impressionists drive me crazy.

I desperately wish this game in its current state was better because it was a staple of my childhood, at this point it would be better to just let it die but I give it 4 stars because it's so important to me.

Neat and I like the customization I just wish the community wasnt insane

I still have a lot to do in this game but so far it's very fun! I love the open world even though the game is a bit taxing even on powerful PCs, so if youre gonna play it with expansions its best to just pick and choose the best ones.

This game is really fun but people are insane about it and they will shout insults at you and make anime villain speeches before they get killed. Been playing it since I was 12 and it's changed a lot.

I really liked the first chapters though I haven't played the last one- I think it's a really fun horror adjacent game though, and sally's design is really cool.

This game isn't as complete without mods, which definetely takes away from it since the vanilla experience is definetely lacking cough thanks chucklefish. However, the community is still very active and playing it with mods is super fun, I genuinely got obsessed with it for a while and it was all I would play in my free time, it's a very fun sandbox and resource gathering game. I've recommended it (though to play multiplayer you either need a server or for both people to have the same mods....so It's good to have a workshop collection on steam with the mods you use)

I enjoyed it and it was fun and charming but pretty forgettable plot and characters.

why did i spend so many hours on this game

It's a very fun game, especially with all the fixes they gave it after it came out- it's genuinely become very engaging and fun to play and I love the story and characters. The only downside is because of that godawful multiplayer mode I need to complete achievements that no one ever is on. Noctis should get with a real man like me sorry sorry sorry sorry