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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 27, 2018

First played

January 14, 2018

Platforms Played


I originally played and beat this game back in late 2018 but with the addition of all the assassins creed games to PS+ I decided to go back and do everything in this game. The main story was absolutely fantastic minus a few plot points I felt could be done better and some minor nitpicks the story being told was absolutely phenomenal. Although that's where my main praise for this game ends this game started a path for the series of Assassins creed that ruined the franchise for longtime fans which as one was very sad to see. I won't sit here and act like I don't enjoy the new combat system because I do, I honestly enjoy the new system a lot. Although the addition of forcing the player to engage in often at times mediocre side missions and the unbelievable amount of clearing enemy locations that feels beyond repetitive half way through clearing all of them. This games main content is absolutely fantastic and I wish all of the game was more like that. It might seem from my complaints of the side content that I absolutely hated this game but that statement cant be farther from the truth. This game was a step in the right direction, and an amazing breath of fresh air after Syndicate but that's all it was for the series. Immediately after it they slipped, stumble, and fell into the bottomless pits of hell with Odyssey but I wont go into my problems with Odyssey so far in my playthrough of that game. All I have left to say about the game as a whole is it was an amazing breath of fresh air that can keep your enthralled for hours just roaming the beautiful open world of ancient Egypt along with the beautifully written plot but after you finish that plot it becomes extremely repetitive afterwards and you find yourself wondering why you continue to play the game.