It's unfortunate that I cannot seem to enjoy Hollow Knight whatsoever. Coming from someone who loves Igavania and Metroid's design, I don't think that Hollow Knight manages to scratch that same itch.

I dislike rating games based on game-feel, but I think it's the point that Hollow Knight does well. Walking from bench-to-bench, and frolicking through its interconnected areas with my map out feels all nice, contrasted by its eerie sound-design.

Otherwise, I cannot really see anything of note in Hollow Knight. Perhaps, it's the same experience that I've had with Undertale. Feelings that Hollow Knight should've brought out of me have probably been done by other games, if not better.

If you enjoy this game, more power to you. I'm glad that people are getting introduced to metroidvania, but please, stop labelling games as the pinnacle of the genre if you've only played one. It's literally that one Hard Drive article titled "‘If You Only Watch One Anime, Watch Attack on Titan,’ Says Friend Who Has Watched Exactly One Anime".

Reviewed on May 18, 2024
