A license game that plays it safe and somehow manages to succeed even without putting anything new to the table. Mad Max isn’t an easy game to recommend, it doesn’t do anything of note and those who would love it are probably two distinct categories: the fan of its setting, especially of the latest film – Fury Road, – and those who indiscriminately like open world sandboxes with nothing much to do except repeat the same chores and find the same meaningless collectibles over and over again. If you are familiar with any recent UbiSoft titles, that’s basically it.

This time tho you get a sick sport car and also the option to pimp it as you see fit. That is quite fun.

No really, the best part of the game is in its car. You can modify basically every part of it, it rides magnificently and sounds even better. You feel invested in upgrading it and it is a pure joy to ride it everywhere, inside sandstorms, on empty roads, during battles and as a battering ram during sieges on enemy bases. The world is a huge barren wasteland that perfectly reflects the setting of the original movies, but both the characters and the plot lack the insightful mind of the original author, George Miller, and the enjoyable and trash punchline of the 80s. Players are going to do quests and side quests more for the heck of it and a urge to complete everything rather than for any sort of attachment to the titular main character – a huge downgrade both from Mel Gibson and Tom Hardy tbh – or any other character for that matter.

Nevertheless, the game is engaging if played in small doses so not to feel loaded by its monotony and sameness. Avalanche studio certainly made it looks beautiful and it is significantly optimised for PC performances. If you just like strolling around in your ride and punch the everliving sh-t out of mobs with a combat system akin to the Batman Arkham series – because that was the combat system which was ‘in’ at the time – then this game will provide tens of hours of pure enjoyment and thrill.

Reviewed on Oct 25, 2020
