i spent the last 2 1/2 years trying to get through this game. At first, I had a good time; enjoyed the setting, music was great, and battles were fun. but I slowly backed off from it as the years went on. I tried finishing out the main part before the extra golden content started story wise, but after that, i wasn't feeling this. I enjoyed getting to know the world and these characters, but nothing made me want to finish it.

bought this for $5 bucks from a game store in arizona that had a custom cover since it didnt come with the manual and had the best time with it. 3 and 4 are better feeling to play, but this on the dualshock controller is such a good feeling. also has the best soundtrack of any tony hawk by far (no cigar is my personal favorite)

my jam in middle school. i was the annoying kid who brought a usb to play in between things in the computer lab, but it was so worth it. every weapon feels so good in your hands, but the best were always the flame for the grassy level and knife for the second half. still need to get the true ending.

also: curly and quote are the platonic partners of all time baby, such a great duo.

hardcore kid memories of playing the second best gba game of the ambassadors collection (first is warioware, duh) and replaying it helped me understand why metroid works so well. the movement and shooting is so fluid and energetic that it makes you feel like a badass, as well as getting a puzzle just right. the linearness doesn't bother me, but nothing is like that feeling when you just explore endlessly in something like super metroid. very solid.

baby's first "open world gta-like" since it was a free xbox live gold game and i enjoyed the hell out of it. soundtrack was easily the best part but i do remember having fun during everything. totally understand the rating though, this game is not worth paying more than $5 for

ngl i was playing more for the gameplay over the story (extended inventory is a blessing), but i'll have to revisit it to take in the story more. good shit

A perfection of the gameplay elements gathered from the first 4 entries, adding in a very well done story mode and a banger soundtrack too. I still have a bias towards 2 and 3, but this is definitely the THPS gameplay loop perfected.