The lads at Treasure hitting out of the park with one of the best action games on the GBA, filled with reverence not just for Astro Boy but Osamu Tezuka's entire body of work.
You punch, laser, and dash through 7 stages, taking on crazy bosses and meeting other Tezuka characters to level your abilities (you'll want to max life and laser asap). You can just blast through the stages and call it a day, but you're only seeing about a third of the game that way - there's a massive post-credits twist that lets you revisit stages with the difficulty cranked up and new events and characters to meet. You'll need to run through all the stages again this way as well as go hunting for specific characters to set off chains of events to let you reach the true ending.
Overall Omega Factor is a fairly difficult game (I played on Normal, there are Easy and Hard difficulties as well), but pretty fair with frequent checkpoints and in the post-game if you get stuck you can go hunting for extra characters to fill your levels up if they're lacking. There are definitely a few pretty high difficulty spikes to watch out for though. The biggest weakness imo is it feels like the dash really should have had its own dedicated button, since its invincibility makes it your go-to defensive tool but it can feel a bit awkward to use sometimes.

Reviewed on Nov 04, 2023
