4 reviews liked by venixxy

Sekiro'nun en göze çarpan özelliği olan dövüş mekanikleri ile başlamak istiyorum. Vuruş hissiyatı olarak gördüğüm en iyi oyunlardan hatta en iyi oyun diyebilirim, oyundaki bu mükemmel vuruş ve savaş hissiyatı tekdüze kalmıyor sürekli üzerine farklı şeyler ekleyerek sizi oyunda tutuyor. Üzerine bir de savaşı çeşitlendiren ve zevkini arttıran tek şey oyun değil, sizsiniz. Oyun normal bir FromSoftware oyunu gibi oldukca zor olduğu için siz gelişmeye çabaladıkca oynadığınız zevk artıyor ve oyunu özellikle bir kere bitirip ustalaştıktan sonra inanilmaz bir zevk alıyorsunuz.
Düşmanlar da oldukca çeşitli ve ilginç olsa da benim asıl değinmek istediğim konu bosslar. Oyundaki her boss oldukça iyi düşünülmüş ve zorlayıcı bosslar. Opsiyonel bosslar fazlaca olsa da hiçbirini es geçmeden hepsiyle mücadele etmesini öneririm.
Hikaye olarak içeriği ilginç olsa da sunum olarak o kadar çaba harcamaması yüzünden hikayeyi öğrenmek için biraz peşinden kovalamanız gerekiyor.
Sekiro her şeyiyle oldukça olmuş ve kesinlikle denemenizi önerdiğim bir oyun.

Johnny Turbo could take Arasaka Tower in under 3 minutes

If you see this as an ultrakill clone, I think you need your eyes checked. It is a brutally unfair and reductive way of looking at this game. I get it, Ultrakill is your messiah but put down the pitchfork for literally a second and give this game an honest look and try and see what it attempts to innovate on. Believe it or not, more than one game can aim for the same idea.

What Reaver offers me that ultrakill doesn't is the feeling of pure madness in its movement as well as the abilities being catered to shred mobs of enemies. You feel like a flea hopping around the walls with your nearly uncapped movement, and you can just be utterly insane with it. It's so incredibly fast paced that Ultrakill, no, Dusk even feels sluggish to me now. The game offers an adrenaline rush that not many games can match up to.

Its art style is fun with its neon look. Not many people may like it, but at least for me I found it to be colourful and full of whimsy.

The weapons are also all really nice. I think the red revolver is the weakest link here, but every weapon so far has such unique ways of utility. The tech itself also feels very self explanatory. One of Ultrakill's weaknesses in my opinion is that it does not convey ideas very well to the player. You're often left to figure out the niches of a weapon yourself, and while I enjoy that in premise, the execution leaves to be desired when there are plenty of mechanics that you just can't even begin to understand, usually unless someone else told you about it. There's nothing that really tells you or gives you a hint that you can do certain cool things. I don't need hand holdy tutorials, but at least a room that could suggest to how you would go about learning a new ability would be appreciated. This game works much like a fighting game with combos, in a way. "You have your tools, you have your inputs clear as day, how do you use them?", kinda thing.

I think Reaver is a lovely adrenaline rush of a game, easily my favourite singleplayer shooter. I cannot wait for the full game to drop, I'm keeping my eyes peeled for this one.

Would give 5 stars if it wasn't for the FUCKING BLIND PEST