Slightly edited Steam review of mine, by no means an extensive take, but it will stay here for the time being.

Difficulty played: Ultra-Violence.
Status: Abandoned (got approximately to the point where I get the BFG).

Not very DOOM. Awkward movement system that works, but is flawed in design due to its indecision with whether it wants to be fluid or tanky. Incredibly uninspired level design. Story that is lackluster and is not daring enough in regards to exploring the topic it sets to explore. As that one rare fan of original DOOM with a dislike for this game, I feel unimpressed by this game and personally struggle to recommend it to anyone.


[copied from my Steam review]

This is pretty much a novelty game. Play it once, get fascinated, finish it at least to some extent, and then forget it. I had my "wow" experience during the first time playing the game, and the rhythm as part of the game mechanic is quite a fun novelty, which makes for some rather interesting extensions to the standard platforming and boss fights. But now after so many years it just sits in my library and feels like a hollow memory of something that I now really want to replace with something that is much more fulfilling than this.

Certainly worth the money for such a low price, though.