🕗 Total time played (approx.): 50h
🏆 Completion: 100% Base game + DLCs (77/79 Trophies)


Firstly, I'd like to emphasize how amazing it is that "Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered" provides an overwhelmingly positive gaming experience for both veterans and newcomers. As someone who had already completed the original game on the PS4 with 100 percent, I was eager to see how the PS5 remastered version would live up to my expectations. And I was not disappointed. The enhanced graphics, smoother framerate, and impressive visual effects have propelled this iconic interpretation of Spider-Man's adventures into a new dimension. The game practically comes alive on the PS5, intensifying the immersion into the storyline and the pulsating city environment. Playing through the game once again allowed me to delve into the incredibly enjoyable swinging and combat as Spider-Man. The balance between exploring the breathtaking skyscrapers and engaging in fast-paced battles against villains was as captivating as ever. I effortlessly stepped back into the role of the friendly neighborhood web-slinger, feeling the adrenaline rush as I swung through the city or executed acrobatic maneuvers in combat.

One aspect that truly makes "Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered" shine is the depth and nuance of character development and plot. Despite being familiar with the story, the game managed to draw me back into the emotional turmoil of Peter Parker's life. The engaging narrative and convincing portrayal of the characters allowed me to once again become invested in their fates, empathizing with them as if they were real individuals. The DLC missions were an excellent addition to the main game, providing a welcome change of pace in the storyline. Immersing myself in each story and uncovering new secrets helped enrich and diversify Spider-Man's world even further. Completing these additional challenges was highly satisfying and contributed to rounding out the experience as a whole.

In conclusion, "Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered" for the PS5 is a triumphant reinvention of an already outstanding game. Enhanced graphics, an engaging storyline, and dynamic gameplay mechanics come together to create a captivating experience that will delight both Spider-Man enthusiasts and newcomers alike. I'm thrilled by how the game has reignited my love for this iconic character and look forward to seeing what heroic adventures await us in the future with the upcoming "Marvel's Spider-Man 2".

⭐ Rating: 4/5

🕗 Total time played (approx.): 52h
🏆 Completion: 100% (37/37 Trophies)


This experience was undoubtedly a rollercoaster of emotions that captivated me and prompted me to reflect deeply on the game, even when I wasn't actively holding the controller.

First and foremost, I want to commend the breathtaking graphics and level design of "Demon's Souls." Bluepoint Games has undeniably done a masterful job, reimagining the dark and oppressive atmosphere of the original in a way that comes to life on the PS5. Each environment is crafted with such attention to detail that I often found myself pausing just to admire the architectural splendor. This visual brilliance adds a whole new dimension to the game, intensifying the immersion into the gaming world. The challenges I faced while completing "Demon's Souls" put my perseverance to the test. The game's tough difficulty demands precise timing, strategic thinking, and a healthy dose of patience. Each battle felt like a duel of life and death, creating an incredible sense of tension and excitement. The rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins as I defeated particularly tough boss enemies was unparalleled and left me with a feeling of triumphant euphoria. Though the gameplay is undeniably gripping, it's also the storytelling aspect that makes "Demon's Souls" stand out as a remarkable game. The subtle way in which the narrative is unveiled through environments, items, and characters often led me to contemplate the deeper meaning and symbolism. This enigmatic storytelling approach encouraged me to develop my own interpretation of events and contributed to making the game world even more tangible. Even when I wasn't directly holding the controller, I often found myself pondering the strategies I would employ in the game or musing over how I would tackle certain situations. This mental engagement with the game speaks to the fascination and depth it offers, and I appreciate the fact that "Demon's Souls" so intensely stimulated my curiosity and imagination.

Nevertheless, there are also aspects of "Demon's Souls" that leave room for improvement. While challenge is undoubtedly a central element of the game, I sometimes felt that the difficulty came at the expense of accessibility. New players might feel discouraged when repeatedly felled by the game's high hurdles. A gentler learning curve or expanded difficulty options could help make the game more accessible to a broader audience without sacrificing the essence of the challenge. In summary, I can say that my journey through "Demon's Souls" on the PS5 was undoubtedly a profound and memorable experience. The overwhelming visual splendor, the intricate challenge, and the mysterious storytelling both captivated and tested me. Even in moments when I wasn't actively playing, the game held my thoughts captive and prompted me to contemplate its nuances and secrets.

"Demon's Souls" is unquestionably a milestone in the realm of modern gaming and will resonate in my memories for a long time to come.

⭐ Rating: 5/5