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It's mostly constructed like a collectathon. You're going from stage to stage collecting things, but unlike Banjo the game makes you work for it. You'll have to look around for buttons to get the chests to spawn, and they become better hidden and out of reach as the game progresses.

The platforming gets fairly devious by the end as well.

If the first half of the game was more like the second, I'd be really positive about the game as a whole. Unfortunately, the game is mainly just a repetitive series of basic beat-'em-up encounters that basically introduces every enemy-type in the first area. The side areas are where the meat's at, and some of them are legitimately good from a platforming and puzzle standpoint. They just don't make up a large chunk of a game that's already pretty short.

If you can hang in there, the game will eventually be a 3/5.