I was already Souls'd out when I booted this up. Credit where it's due though, Nioh is much more technical with the way the ki-pulse system and stances work. I just didn't, and still don't, feel like managing RPG-stats and dealing with loot. Those 2 things had already soured Transformers Devastation for me. I wasn't willing to play it, but I don't think it's bad. I also like the mission system. I'd give it the rating I'd give any other game I was willing to sit through even though I dropped it, 2/5.

Reviewed on Feb 16, 2023


1 year ago

yeah, the loot system is the number 1 thing that stops me from playing it further
yeah the loot system sucks ass, i think ds2 is the worse game but i would honestly rather play that, this game is boring