40 reviews liked by weachiepeachie

i love the two genders. albert and taylor

Someone told the therapist yass slay too many times

look at my therapist dawg im gonna kill myself

man i wish i could play this game again without any memory of it. one of the rare games that made me love games as an art form again.

This is a "build-your-own-sleep-paralysis-monster" maker, complete with whispered voice over and minimalistic, black-and-white art. The writing is a little uneven, but I think it gets close to the mark by the end. There's a clever bit of branching sleight-of-hand in the last round of answer choices, too. It makes cohesive use of its limited ingredients, but not quite enough to stand out.

This game made me so mad that I went on its page, translated it to traditional Chinese and pasted it on my sole and only Steam review. Of course it's negative.

Actually pretty good. I found the broken, cheap house-viewing simulator to be pretty funny - that cardboard cutout estate agent guy is perfect. Without spoiling anything, the game goes in the silly direction you'd expect from a satire-sim turned horror, but navigating the house as things go wrong turn out to be effectively creepy and tense.

hmmmmm... something's off...... i don't know........ whats goin on here.... somethin aint right.... something's going on...... hmmm.... somethin just aint right..... i don't know..... there's some funny business i think....... whats goin on here...... somethin aint right........... something's going on........ somethin just aint right....... i think there's something funny goin on.... hmmm................ somethin aint right............. what's goin on here........ hmmm.................. something's off...................