It's a hard game to explain to people, but once you get the idea it's a lot of fun to play with friends over voice chat. I own the physical version, and I like the digital version's automated features since it's somewhat complex in remembering to get everything set up between rounds, etc.

it's sluggish, simplistic, and i just wasn't having very much fun with this. the presentational elements are pretty good, i picked it up because it looked cool (and was on sale for $2.50) but it just isn't for me, and unlike street fighter or other slower fighting games, i don't view this as "a good game that isn't to my taste," so much as "a mediocre/bad game that i don't feel like i'm missing out on"

I probably just came to it too late, this one doesn't do much for me.


It's novel, though not very funny, and kind of all over the place, though not in a good way.

It's like $1, it's more Bloons
Same as it ever was
Same as it ever was
Same as it ever was

Fun roguelike! Not a ton of intense depth or progression, but it's worth picking up on sale and messing around with for a bit.

The presentation is all there, but it's really not that fun, and I found it super grindy. I always felt like I was under-leveled and that was probably just me sucking and not understanding some mechanics, but I didn't have a good time with it. Maybe I'll try it again sometime.

The solitaire is fun, I don't get much out of the pet stuff but I guess it's a nice layer to have. Kinda dropped this one after a while.

So many games, tons of extras, this is how you do a proper anthology.

Really cool. Some aspects of it haven't aged as well as others, but it's kind of a classic indie hit that people should play.

As a huge fan of the first two, I don't think I've ever been more disappointed by a game. Steer clear.

What a great package altogether. These games are real fun while you're playing them, and you'll remember moments and set pieces and how much you love Sully, but they don't quite have the staying power you'd think. The first game is also not at all great compared to the others. That said, this is a bundle worth picking up, absolutely.


Fuck this plagiaristic bullshit, long live Threes.

Same issue I have with the first one, it just doesn't grab me. People say this is the better of the two, so I'd like to understand the hype someday, but I always feel like I could be playing things I enjoy more.

I'm really rooting for this game, there's a lot to like here. And checking back in occasionally through the development cycle has been fun, watching them add things.