Was better than the snes port, definitely

Kratos, not as Kool as the 360 character add on, Freddy Krueger, but plays great and seems like he was always on the roster. Besides, it Mortal Kombat, when are they bad games? Oh yeah, that mythologies crap. Those don't count.

Freddy Krueger, great edition to the 360 edition. Love it!

It's Mortal Kombat. Great new mechanics, great fighting, as usual.

It's nice to have the dlc characters on disc now.

Another great fighting game. Looks very the dlc picks for this one.

Mame. Top down, step on all tiles to win puzzle game. Has a weapon mechanic to hit enemies and plays rather well. A good experience to play

Mame. Fun kart type racer. Mario kart meets Outrun. I will absolutely be going back to play this one again.

Mame. Run and gun with good weapon upgrades but one hit and say bye bye weapons, poor controller didn't make it this time.

Mame and FBNEO. Another good shmup. Decent variety and good boss battles. Weapons are alright too.

Played on Mame, and FBNeo. Great arcade hover bike racer and enemy attacker, well crash into your enemies to win, with boss battles too. Had a lot of fun trying this for the first time. Wish it was longer.

Played on Mame. Super console X Cube. Plays great, fun beat 'em up. Not the top 5 but worth a run through. The 2 characters to play as work well and is definitely fun with a buddy.

PlayStation Portable. Fun vertical shmup remake.