I had a blast with this for the PC. All 4 games are Outrun great! They are all a fun and nostalgic time. If you remember how much fun Outrun is, then you gotta try this one. Yeah I'm old.

A step up from the first game in the series. A strong character lust with famous creepypasta and cryptids fighters to choose from. The veriety in costumes makes you feel like you have even more characters to play with. A must play for the fighting genre.

Windows laptop. This was fun. Cool characters from classic horror movies. Mechanics and controls are on par with any big fighting title out there. A must play for fighting fans.

All the old Pac-Man titles with an arcade to win stuff to fill it with. The gacha gacha like vending machine that you win figures was a little fun, then I got them all and that was that. If you love Pac-Man then this is for you.

Nvidia shield pro. Plays well on here. About the same with controls and dlc as the console versions. Just an above average kart racer to me.

Not my favorite port, I'd rather play this on the Saturn, or even the 32X.

Was better than the snes port, definitely

Kratos, not as Kool as the 360 character add on, Freddy Krueger, but plays great and seems like he was always on the roster. Besides, it Mortal Kombat, when are they bad games? Oh yeah, that mythologies crap. Those don't count.

Freddy Krueger, great edition to the 360 edition. Love it!

It's Mortal Kombat. Great new mechanics, great fighting, as usual.

It's nice to have the dlc characters on disc now.

Another great fighting game. Looks very the dlc picks for this one.

Mame. Top down, step on all tiles to win puzzle game. Has a weapon mechanic to hit enemies and plays rather well. A good experience to play