1 Review liked by wiichicken

Fell into the trap of downloading it again with the OG map coming back, i’ve been only playing zero build as i have absolutely zero interest on the normal game mode that i’ve always despised even back in 2018.

It’s actually a decent video game, i still suck lol but managed a few top 1s. This game managed to bring back my friend group to the playstation for our classic late night game sessions, something we last did during the first covid lockdown.

I still hate what this games stands for though, with all this battle pass bullshit and all the skins and everything, it’s like the movie Ready player one, it’s cool when you see your favorites characters from other video games or tv shows but other than just being there to sell more vbucks they don’t serve any purpose.

But i feel like the hype is already going down, it’s obvious that there are bots in the lobbies. And i mean it was funny at the beginning of the week when all the new players (me included) were pretty bad, but now that everyone either left the game or got good it’s less fun to drop and instantly get fucked.

So yeah, pretty good game but it will probably get deleted by the end of next week.