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I do not like Sony (western) games.

This combines two of my least favorite things, the above mentioned and marvel. I did want to see NYC in the Christmas time for Christmas irl so I went for it unfortunately.

Man I don't know how you comic book likers and marvel people do it. Oh the twist is that your high school best friend is the villain? Didn't see that coming! Where'd she get the money, time, resources, skills to build a super suit? Why aren't more people doing that? Oh the ethical dilemma of if I should blow up this shitty corporations gentrifying headquarters built by the world's shittiest man! Gripping!

How many fucking people can there be that The Underground has so many people to come try and kill spiderman! Why do those people need to talk during a fight?? "I'm gonna get you spiderman" they say. No you aren't. No you aren't because I just "killed" a whole bunch of you. Please stop. I am literally spiderman you hear about how unstoppable I am everyday on the news. I mentioned how smart and economical armored core 6's dialogue was. How everything made sense within the game world. This is the opposite. Everyone's living out their personal fantasy of taking down spiderman, or something, for some incomprehensible reason.

This whole thing is bad cookie cutter design. The basic brawling isn't fun. Maybe the fun would come in with a grading system. But there's no encouragement for expressive gameplay because you can just mash to get past anyone. And because there are so many enemies in every.single.fight you will probably just get hit anyways cause the gunmen not in your view shot at you. Where is the variation? How did you make swinging around NYC so blah. Congrats to the team for being able to build a really cool looking NYC. Can't imagine the effort and talent there. Too bad it's so wasted on a shit game. Also, these missions all have the same structure. Go here, fight some guys in a room, do the world's dumbest simplistic puzzle, oh what's that more guys to fight! Congratulations. You made a bad videogame. I don't want to play these anymore.