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wondershroom finished Dragon Ball Z: Taiketsu
I used the same light kick move over and over again and I won the tournament part of the game.... that's all I really need to say

Gameplay: 2/9
Controls (0/3)
Level Design (1/3)
Stability (1/3)
Presentation: 1/9
Graphics (0/3)
Sound (1/3)
UI (0/3)
Story: 0/9
Themes (0/3)
Characters (0/3)
Plot (0/3)

Overall: Idk a 1/10 its just boring I unironically had more fun playing Bubsy 3D than I did this game

5 days ago

wondershroom commented on chump's list Backloggd's Top 250
@chump That's totally fair, I might also might make a mod list then but not sure

5 days ago

wondershroom earned the Pinged badge

6 days ago

6 days ago

wondershroom commented on wondershroom's list Backloggd's Top 100 (Obscure Edition)
7/5 (Just felt like making adjustments today, cause why not)

Clone Hero
Pathologic Classic HD

Half-Life 2: VR Mod
Radiant Silvergun

6 days ago

wondershroom commented on chump's list Backloggd's Top 250
Is Silent Hill 2: Enhanced Edition gonna be added here due to it recently reaching 1K plays as well as being technically a mod? Or is it gonna stay off due to it still being an enhancement of the original

6 days ago

wondershroom earned the Shreked badge

6 days ago

6 days ago

11 days ago

11 days ago

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