A fun entry in the classic BioWare IP. While not the same kind of crunchy D&D experience as it's original predecessor, this is a fun action entry into the series. Well directed, well voiced, and beautifully composed despite being in the Frostbite engine. Not my favorite story, but definitely a compelling one. Can't wait for the next entry in the series as it builds on this one.

A perfect example of overpromising, underdelivering, and completely ruining an amazing game by doing the source material a disservice.

One of the most compellingly written games I've ever played, and this expansion in particular is my stand-out favorite.

Set in the same visual and musical language as the early 2000s films, this is a well-told story that fills in gaps in the overall story of the books and films without breaking the existing canon, and pays great respect to the source material. A beautiful and tragic meditation on the magic and messages inherent to the original story. Amazing performances by the writers, devs, voice actors, animators, and musical talents behind the game.

A long awaited re-release and update of one of the best scifi IPs ever created for the video game artform. Great world-building, compelling writing, wonderful acting, and updated for the HD consoles. While the first chapter of the trilogy does suffer from being made in 2007 (age certainly shows) the update makes it smoothly transition as it enjoys the same high fidelity updating as its successors. You can certainly see the technological jumps of each successive chapter, but the story remains as good as ever. In spite of the lack of access to ME3's multiplayer features, this is a 5 star entry for me.