2 reviews liked by xX_killcute_Xx

i did literally everything you can do in this game; online and offline. the one thing i will cut it slack for is the fact that it's constantly compared to style savvy and it's not even apart of the franchise. all of the reviews i'm reading start with "as a style savvy fan i'm disappointed" so with that being said i'm not looking at this game as an addition to style savvy. if i was, i'd 100% rate it zero stars.

anyways, the customization has really good potential, all the character models are really cute and the clothing is gorgeous. the overall customizability of clothing is amazing as well. the social media aspect of the game is extremely boring imo, and all of the npcs lack personality, and the personality that they have is offputting most likely because of translation issues (you can just kinda tell)

i heard there's updates coming soon to this game and i'm genuinely looking forward to it. pls my 50 bucks to do something different.....

imma be honest this might be the worst game ive ever played

actually its not but its def down there