It actually taught me guitar as long as quite advanced techniques, it's a milf teacher but in video game form

lacks many features but it has a story, something all other games seem to lack, you don't feel like you're dealing a job to someone rather than just repairing a car. Jobs have personality and such

much more features than the first game but it really lacks a soul, it's good but feels empty

You don't know what hard means.

stopped a group of cultists from summoning an ancient demon by being a janitor

Amazing, someone caught fire and became a zombie in the uni dorms. i later became a wizard and killed him. never used my degree for anything as i could just steal shit with my powers but still i couldn't pay rent

Stole various ancient egyptians artifacts, cars and electronic equipments by choosing the "bad" cleptomaniac trait. A burglar broke into my home, i followed him to the street and stole his belongings. But that's ok as i told the officer it was all an accident.