ain't no mf crossing this border

Got me into blonde women and i'm not even joking. It's addictive, starts off as a cool match 3 game and later you're staring at it like a general wondering which move will do the least amount of damage. The soundtrack is an absolute work of art as well.

Amazing campaign, didn't get to play the multiplayer but it's an amazing depiction of the cold war era

A perfect sequel to the first game, it died in the third instalment but this game nailed it. Campaign, multiplayer, zombies, OST, it had it all.

hard to judge, it was amazing during the beta with an innovative combat system, an easy 4/5 for sure, but it became a mess after release. Enemies are now always the first to attack meaning sometimes in your FIRST encounter in the entire game, you already lost because AGHUTO MBEKE and his fellas carrying sticks would outplay you with their sticks even though you had firearms.

This game really was my childhood. Can't judged it properly as i only have vague memories of it's demo but it was a ton of fun.

Only had the demo but my god that shit was fun, it's sort of the predecessor to world of tanks. Would like to comment more but my memory of this era is almost nonexistant. i do remember however the scared ass tank that hid underneath a bridge to try to ambush me, failing to realise he was a massive tank i could see from miles away.

Do not play if you have any attention disorder, the amount of times i've died thinking i was someone else is baffling

i live in a low income mining environment that goes by the government name of "Jungle". Me and and a group of my "allies" control certain areas of this mine in order to run our illegitimate mining. we possess unregistered firearms, stolen ropes, mind-altering curse pots and only use cash for financial purchases. If anyone would like to settle unfinished altercations, I will be more than happy to release my mine level. I would like to warn you; I am a very dangerous person and I regularly steal from the merchant.

Absolute garbage lost 2.5 hours worth of FISHING due to server migration. Can sometimes be interesting

there few games that make me feel the way "It Takes Two" did. You can really feel the love the developers put in this gem, an incredible game with a very heartwarming story. It can get repetitive, especially if you're not into japanese culture, but overall i enjoyed every single bit of it


Masterpiece. The last innovative and creative forza game with STORY elements, still holds up

if cringe was a racing game