the game is servicable. its mario. theyre always at least servicable.
nothing all that fresh. and thats fine i still had fun with it all as usual.

but its overrated. i should probably just ignore the annoying public consensus.. but too bad im engaging with it!
this just isnt the groundbreaking return to form that people are acting like it is.
yall clowns are still whining about the new super mario bros series being generic or whatever (calm down) but can we all just collectively get fucking real here? this game is just another one of those games but with some new branding and flashier animations and a talking flower to distract you from the fact that it plays basically the damn same. i liked the ‘new’ series but lbr this easily couldve been just ‘new super mario bros switch’.
if the aesthetics was all anyone hated about new super mario bros then… theyre stupid. the ‘new’ series wasnt that interesting as games but this game isnt that much better.
im not thinking anyone needs to hate this game or like the 'new' series or anything. i enjoyed this and had lot of fun but i just find it silly seeing people act like this normal ass mario game is some groundbreaking return to form when in reality not much has fundamentally changed in a major way. (and thats fine with me for now)

like ideally id love for the gameplay of a 2d mario to be designed like the game celeste but... oh well.

the new art style is fine didnt care for it much at first but its grown on me.
the character animations are so fun and charming. mario is more adorable and cute than ever lol
the arab desert world is cool.

love that you can turn off the flowers voice.
but what if i said i kept the flowers voice on?! what then?! when you mute him in the setting he’s like ‘was it something i said?’ and i was like ok thats funny lol you know you’re gonna be seen as annoying so i can accept you now. but theyre actually not even annoying to me and made me laugh a lot. oops! it turns out it was everyone else telling me to hate them who was annoying all along actually! these stupid flowers just reminded me that its truly not that fukin serious all the time lol cant we all just have some silly harmless fun? i will. enjoy being miserable or whatever tho. cant relate.

sighhhh alright im not crazy here. mario didnt used to be this easy. in the old games (that everyone says this is returning to) you had to actually practice more and ahem Git Gud to progress and i liked that because i loved being able to come back to them when i got older and better at games. it felt so cool to beat games after while rather than how it is now where youre just being handed everything all at once and then you never play the game again. thats lame.
i dont hate a game for wanting to be more accessible but this game almost crosses a line of forcing everyone to play on easy mode.

i think the first levels focused too much on being a walkthrough comedy theatre rather than an actual platformer game.
the wonder gimmicks often arent very difficult theyre just flashy and silly.

the difficulty star ratings for levels makes it more obvious how easy the game is lol

its weird to me that the main game is easy but then they add badges and easy characters on top of that… are people really that bad at playing mario??? whatever. its fine.

i just wish i wasnt so often forced to play on easy with so much stuff to make the game just a borderline walking simulator.

its nice that badges are optional as a form of a difficulty option thats appreciated but it’s annoying how it asks you to pick one before every level or manually reject the offer so its hard to resist the help when its offered. every. single. time.

but it is nice the game doesnt drag you back to the map screen when you die and keeps letting you try the level again.

its annoying when you set the badges manually because when you change them you forget you dont have a certain badge you previously had and it messes things up based on your expected powers.
powerups change your character’s appearance but the badges are invisible (one of them literally🙄) so you never can see which one you have equipped unless youre using it.

overall the badges shouldve just been permanent powerups or just normal question block powerups. 2d mario doesnt need to be this customizable as the encouraged default. only as an easy mode option.

maybe different characters couldve gotten access to different action badges as powerups?
1. mario parachute cap
2. luigi floating high jump
3. peach spin jump
4. daisy grappling vine
5. yellow toad wall climb jump
6. blue toad crouch jump
7. toadette dolphin kick
8. yoshis timed high jump
9. nabbit fast dash

boost badges should be another easy mode option.

and the expert badges shouldve just been wonder seed gimmicks.

the elephant powerup is fine but so was the flying squirrel fuck off i dont wanna hear anyone praise the elephant but bash the squirrel suit. shut the fuck up.

the drill is fine but like wasnt that a powerup in mario galaxy 2? whatever

the 3 collectable star coins in every level are now changed to purple flower coins to trick people into thinking this wasnt just ‘new super mario bros switch’ but i aint no dummy! lol
theyre too easy now because you can just run at them and die immediately and theyll be saved as if you collected them as long as you later beat the level in that play session. before you had a challenge of actually having to get them all with only the checkpoint being the save point. that shouldve been another difficulty setting.

removal of points and a timer is nice. that was always unnecessary clutter the games had out of tradition so im glad theyre willing to remove them and i never even noticed 99% of the time lmao

not running into others in multiplayer is great. this isnt smash bros. i hated the 'new' series for forcing me to unintentionally screw over ppl im playing with. idk maybe it couldve been a setting.

its dumb that everyone has to use the same badge in multiplayer

as usual idgaf about online shit and i never turned it on. its too temporary of gimmick because they’ll eventually shut down servers for it like they always do. not a fan of that kind of thing in games. it makes it too much of a temporary disposable product rather than something that matters and lasts

i wish this game used mario odyssey's 'coins as lives' system.

the game doesnt repeat its gimmicks too much which is appreciated.

the wonder seeds are funny but not always too challenging of gameplay most of the time. sometimes it doesnt feel like much actually changed with the gameplay to warrant the level looking different and it couldve just been a normal part of the level without any cutscene calling to your attention that its a wonder seed effect.

why is there a manual save button when the game autosaves anyways?

i hate that theres a limit of 999 purple coins because you need more than that to buy everything so you end up grinding for purples more than you should. shouldve gone up to 9999.
actually nevermind most of the crap you buy at the shops is a bunch of worthless online gameplay shit i never used. its just stupid grinding for nothing.

the houses at the beginning of each world is a waste of time when its just dialogue with no challenge but youre still rewarded with a collectable so why is the collectable there? i didnt even do anything to get it?!?!

the search party houses are too difficult and nonsensical. stop making invisible blocks a thing. its dumb.

the invisible levels is really stupid gameplay.

i wish the worlds had more secret routes like super mario world. the game has multi exit flagpoles but they dont often lead anywhere they just give you another collectable.
its also lame how some paths are unlocked by literally doing that same thing twice like walking in and out of a building.

it pretends to be nonlinear about halfway through the game but it still railroads you an encourages you to play in order by numbering the worlds and making you go out of your way to skip past levels.

i wish shining falls & fungi mines had a boss fight.
not having the koopa kids is disappointing.
its weird not having petey piranha in this given the games flower/plant theme.
not having kamek as a boss fight was disappointing since he does magic which wouldve been cool mixed with the wonder seed stuff.
the bowser jr fights were pretty repetitive. they shouldve had jr in the airships (the conveyor belt endings of those were too easy they needed a boss fight after) and then the koopas could be in the palaces with petey piranha & kamek as mini castle bosses. or bring back the bosses from nsmb ds.
or! just make new bosses and scrap bowser jr and the kooplings! this isnt the mushroom kingdom so it shouldve had a new antagonist.

the push for easy gameplay makes the star road levels too difficult because there wasnt enough of a gradual build in difficulty.

aesthetic nitpicks:
this shouldve been called 'super mario wonder' without the 'bros.' part. it just sounds better. but especially since theres only two known brothers that the bros title was originally referring to out of all these 12 characters lmao

i wish mario, luigi, peach, toads, daisy, & toadette had an easy mode option for their characters. like if you have an easy mode for kids its frustrating if they cant play as a main character and would be forced to be a weird dinosaur or an ugly rabbit thing. thats lame.
same for the reverse. i wish the yoshis and nabbit had a normal play option like the others.

i dont care for yoshi as a playable character. i much prefer him as a powerup tool.

why is light blue yoshi not called just blue yoshi. pointless detail.
normal yoshi should get color options like he does in mario kart 8 & smash bros.
rosalina, wario, and waluigi shouldve replaced the extra colored yoshis spots.

i dont care for nabbit. not maliciously i dont hate him but i dont need him to exist in this franchise either. i forget he’s a thing for whatever reason that he is.

the flagpoles shouldve been something new or just bring back the (under-utilized/underrated) ribbon gates from super mario world

i wish the poplins and talking flowers were themed different for each world.

the worlds are still themed like normal basically just the order has been rearranged a bit. the only newish world is the shining falls.
idc about this complaint tho im here for platforming gameplay but its stupid to act like this game is all that fresh. its just more detailed.

bowsers final world was kinda bland & forgettable. im sorry but nothing will top mario 3d worlds twist carnival world or odysseys japanese bowser castle.
props for trying tho i guess here instead of just going back to a lava world for bowser.
idk i expected another boss fight or something so when the game ended i was like oh thats it? ok whatever.

i hope this gets a dlc with a challenge mode like from mario bros u or a new world or levels or something.

again its a fine game. nothing fresh to me but it gets the job done. its accessible and inoffensive. and i appreciate the slightly different art design.
i still love it because as always nothing tastes quite as sweet as super mario :)

Reviewed on Nov 12, 2023
