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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

September 7, 2022

First played

September 5, 2022

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Library Ownership


This review contains spoilers

This DLC is a disappointment.
The first DLC made me want the game's second DLC, but it was a mistake. It's not even a challenge. It's just annoying.

The enemies aren't stronger at all, they're even weaker than the first DLC; had to crank the difficulty up to compensate for it. The map design is annoying as fuck. There was a part where you could accidentally grab monkey bars twice and bump your head in the process.
There was no space to use the BFG. There was no time to use the Unmaykr. The hammer felt like a cheap excuse, and the enemy/map design did not compliment its use in any way.

I pushed through it all, saying "well, at least more DOOM content". The final boss is a disgrace to the franchise, even more so as an ender for one. It's full RNG and not even the fun way. There is a 66% chance (if your positioning perfectly) that he will NOT do the only move where he is vulnerable, the fight is really easy (in the first couple of healtbars you can literally stand in one place and just aim), but he is really tanky.

At the time of writing this, I did not beat the boss, after dancing for about an hour or half, I fucking quit (If I calm down maybe I'll get back to it). he heals every time he hits you, his timing is all fucked up, there is no rhythm to the fight every and all moves are RNG, while some of the hitboxes are fucking bad.

TL;DR: A little disappointed seeing the first DLC, and a LOT disappointed seeing the final boss. I wanted to give 9/10 or 8/10 for this DLC, I shit you not I got bored in this fight, then hooked again when the moveset changed, then bored again, and after what felt like ages I just hit the "exit to desktop" button: 4/10(as a DLC, the game is awesome)