why weren't these guys given the spider-man license?

15 fps with loading screens 😩

still has better gameplay than prime

please give me more games that use the gambit system or anything like it

the definitive Christmas videogame

dark world mechanic makes the shitty combat of the first game even worse. And to anyone that says these games have good worldbuilding: why the fuck does all the luminoth's technology operate using chozo morph balls when the luminoth are twice the height of samus and the chozos?

So Monster hunter rise has more involved web swinging than this...

the guilty gear strive of kart racers

they patented the nemesis system because they knew it was the only interesting part of the game

The Nintendudes couldn't be more wrong. this game has 0 in common with botw. It's a mediocre action rpg filled with nontent and gachha mechanics. it's also a benchmark in f2p mobile games. this bad boy will set you back 13 gb

just give me a standalone chao garden. it's all i've ever wanted

i mean the driving is at least better than 4

it's an amazing remake done by people that cared about the source material. The Xen levels alone make it worth a ride even for fans of the og