at the time of writing, this is still cheaper than the timbaland masterclass

I cannot stress how good this collection is when just looking at the content. Quality is really where this goes south. The actual emulation on switch is just poor. Noticeable input lag, sound is off. The UI is cute for like 15 minutes and just becomes annoying and actually makes the emulator chug on PCs. Sega ages, which unfortunately is sold on an individual game basis and is discountinued, is going to be your best bet for playing genesis games accurately on switch. It's also worth mentioning that the PC version allows for romhacks to just be uploaded as mods on the steam workshop. Also the pc version gets extra brownie points because it provides access to the individual rom files so you have the choice of using a cycle accurate emulator like blastem for instance.
TL;DR buy the PC version and i hope you enjoy alien soldier

2022 Addendum:
gonna be knocking off 2 whole stars. so in 2020 sega announced they'd be discontinuing the excellent sega ages series of ports by m2. At the time they teased future switch ports of classic titles. now in 2022, nintendo has released an expansion to their online service which includes a series of genesis games ported by m2. While the selection is much smaller, the difference in emulation quality is tremendous. The input lag in this collection is honestly insulting when compared to how responsive controls feel in the NSO expansion. unless you really want to play phantasy star, i wouldn't pick this up anymore.

Amazing mechanics with dogshit level design. The dmc 4 of 3d platformers

one of the sloppiest rereleases ever

the art's pretty good and the controls feel really tight, but the map is way too big for its own good and all looks the same which makes me not want to explore at all.

first I've ever heard of a game charging money for an offline bot mode

thought this game was pretty good until i played sekiro

if you've played any fps after 2001, you've played half life. just play 2 and the episodes. if you're scared you're missing out on something, you should check out BMS since it actually remixes the game in some pretty interesting ways

depression in the form of a ds cartridge

We need more videogames based on songs. This game is living proof that the actual song doesn't even have to be good.

if you like this game, you probably also like metroid fusion.

i hope everyone that complained the game was too short while ignoring side content is happy. now deus ex is dead.

why weren't these guys given the spider-man license?