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Wow, what a scam. That's the best way I can describe this game.

Now, imagine the following; you're just like me, searching for cheap and good Steam games at the store and end up finding this title, a puzzle game named "Seen". It has great visuals, animations, soundtrack and all that and the gameplay seems "decent", and it's costing R$ 1,74, which is around 0,36 dollars! How cool is that?
So you buy it, and play it on your low/mid-end computer... and it's one of the most disappointing experiences you've ever had.

Now, it's probably because the graphics card I was playing with isn't the best one out there, but this game was hitting like max of 10fps, even with the lowest graphics, because, even at the menu, this game renders so much useless shit all the time that it just makes everything a chore (like the background, which is actual live 3D models instead of a static image or a pre-rendered video). Also, the menu is ugly, like an Unreal Engine game with default assets for the HUD (which is exactly what it is LMAOOOOO), where everything just looks so bulky for no reason, just making it way uglier than it should be.
But whatever, let's get into the most important part: the gameplay. The game starts with an intro, showing us the main objective of the game, where it has the sad boy crying (which he does the entire fucking playthrough) and he wants to reach for the light and happiness and all that type of shit. Pretty simple concept, now let's see how it executes it.

It sucks ass.

First red flag of the game is that it's an auto-runner... yay. Now, I don't have much of a problem with auto-runner games, but come on. It didn't say at all, at any places, that this was an auto-runner, because if I knew it, I wouldn't have bought it. And also, with a game like this, where you expect it to be like a cool adventure + puzzle game, the last thing you would EVER expect is a "Subway Surfers for depressed teenagers".

Second red flag is that it has so many achievements for absolutely no reason, other than fill someone's profile. Talk about immersion breaker! Like, what's the point of it being called "achievements" when you get them by doing the bare minimum? It's ridiculous, because it shows itself as if it was an emotional and serious game, meant to be enjoyed, but it has 210 FUCKING ACHIEVEMENTS, that are all just letters and numbers.

Third red flag is that this game has motivational quotes all over it. Every time you do something, somewhere, there's a motivational quote. When you die, there's a motivational quote. Even at the intro, it has an unnecessary motivational quote. And they are bad. Like, it reminds me of teenage girls' Tumblr pages where it has "deep" phrases and talk a lot about how society is bad and how the world is cruel. And these are not motivational or inspiring, it's just cringe and annoying. I wouldn't really consider much if it was just for a moment or such, but it happens EVERY TIME.
'"I treat my haters like AM radio, I just don't listen to them" - Unknown'... are you fucking serious?

I was going to mention how the story is just bullshit and the events that happen mean jackshit, but I just can't, because I just don't care less about this. All I know is that there's parts where the kid is just massacred for no reason, like when you try to get ice cream and you just get beat up. Why? Because everyone is cruel, I guess.
Also, I haven't played this game more than 10 minutes because I refunded the game, like everyone should.

Now, I don't believe that this game was meant to be a filler, and just for the sake of having many achievements and/or cool avatars so people can decorate their profile with, but I get why people feel this way, and to be honest, I don't doubt it. There's just nothing to this game, and I don't think it will ever have. This game has been on early access since it was released, and the developers are already teasing a second part (which I hope does not happen). I won't compare this to any game, but I'll just say that this game feels like generic abandonware scam that tries to replicate what everybody else has already done.
But I don't know, maybe I'm in the wrong here. Maybe I'm just delusional. After all, this game has a total of 91% score on the Steam page, so am I in the wrong? Am I really just blind to see what makes this game so good? I don't know, and to be honest, I'm just so torn with this that I couldn't care less.

I would like to finish this review by responding to another review I saw on the Steam page.
"Can R$ 1,74 make you cry?" Maybe, but if you're talking about this game, no.

So, yeah. don't buy this game. It's really not worth it.

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