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1 day

Last played

November 23, 2023

Platforms Played


Max Payne 2 is basically more of the same of what you got with Max Payne, which isn't a bad thing. The gunplay's still just as fun as the first, though it does seem a little less forgiving with death coming just a bit faster. The story is less on the campy side this time around, though it still has its token bizarre moments which is great. The environmental storytelling that came in the form of interactions around the world in MP is replaced (mostly) by TVs around the world that all have a variety of different stories (including a parody of Max Payne) going on throughout the game which is pretty damn cool. There are two missions in particularly that were pretty grating, but forgivable because one was kind of badass (stress aside) and the other was pretty funny. My biggest gripe with MP2 is simply its length, having finished it in just 4.5 hours where MP was probably closer to the 6-7 hour length for me. Other than that, it's just as great as the first was, excellent follow up.