The graphics on PS5 were just beautiful. Gameplay was very fun, and I really enjoyed the narrative of the game. The ending definitely got to me. finishing all the crimes in the city is getting very repetitive, but thats sorta kinda on me. All the dlcs were fun as well

The first NCAA game I ever owned, and I have very fond memories of waking up extra early before middle school and picking the most random teams for dynasty (Cause you could pick up to 12... for whatever reason) Tons of nostalgia and I still come back to it from time to time

Started playing this on a whim through Switch Online. The games are simple, yet abundant which can make this game quite addicting at times. The last few levels for me were actually pretty difficult. Only knock on it is that its very short and I'm probably not gonna be replaying it anytime soon. But I had a good time with it

I've had my fun with it, but it definitely gets old after a bit. Lobbies these days are kinda dead but at its peak it was a pretty fun timewaster

I cannot believe this game is listed on this website omg. This game is very basic but for young me before I used roms, this was life changing

Pretty enjoyable experience. Story was a high point for me as it felt like watching a straight to DVD coming of age movie, only with a few more gay people and swearing. Cheesy and a bit cliche, but I love that the game doesn't take itself too seriously. Gameplay got repetitive for me about halfway through which made me want to rush through the rest of the story but i toughed it out so I could meet more of the characters

I was bored out of my mind after an hour. Maybe I needed to give it more time, but I just felt like I was doing the same thing over and over again

Felt like a big step up from 2k20. Game controls better, everything is nice to look at, GM mode is back. There's a lot to love, but there's also a lot of missed opportunities. MyFaction could have been a lot more and the career modes were lacking. Universe is fine though. Sometimes the rivalries and making customs shows breaks the mode a bit, but universe is always good fun

Mostly same stuff. I will say I enjoy the showcase in this game more than the year before. Universe is a bit more broken than before but GM Mode has made a lot of improvements and is really a good time

This is definitely an upgrade from the previous year. graphics as always continue to get better, but they've actually done some work in the other modes. Universe, while still not as good as I know it can be (i.e WWE 12, 13) is an improvement from the bugginess of last years game. GM mode is steadily becoming one of 2Ks most consistent and best game modes MyRise has some interesting stories this year and MyFaction will (hopefully) be a more useful mode if not for Person a cards alone. The one knock I have on this game is showcase, which was done so much better in the past games. Not giving us ingame cutscenes and instead choosing to splice the real match with the game just seems a bit dumb to me

I remember playing this game for the first time as a kid after being done with SvR 11, and there was a lot to like, but also a good amount to dislike. The main menu feels empty. Just some of the most basic edgy music playing and nothing else. No practice arena when you first start the game like in SvR 11 and just no character. That being said, the real good part comes when you start playing the modes. Road to Wrestlemania is a bit different as instead of multiple stories you can pick to play, you get three that you have to play in order. I absolutely loved all three stories, it was the right amount of wacky wrestling and I couldn't get enough of it. Matches themselves played like SvR 11, albeit a bit less smooth than before. What really shines is the universe mode. You can control more of what happens, changing what titles are on different brands, and seemingly every match has some kind of cutscene that happens before, during, or after. The draft was extremely cool and I wish they would incorporate it into modern universe modes. All in all, something that looks very dull when you open it but as you play it there is more and more to like about it

I'm legit hooked. Better than emerald rogue methinks