If this game wasn't so not good looking and riddled with bugs it would definitely be up there with my favorite Pokemon games. I enjoyed being in the open world, and the characters were better than I was expecting. I REALLY wish there was level scaling when it came to wild pokemon and how many badges you had, but besides that big gripe I had a lot of fun with this one

I played this on release, and I thought I had a new multiplayer game to play all the time. This was not that. Extremely boring, seemingly nothing to do, and barely any story. Even after they've come out with all these expansions, I can't get myself to pick it up again

The story for this game is easily my favorite story from any COD game. Locations were varied, and the twist was a complete shocker (to young me at least) The base zombies maps are amazing, and multiplayer is multiplayer (always a blast)

I usually find myself coming back to a lot of older maddens, just not this one. Not sure what it was, it just felt off. Especially coming after a game like Madden 08

The only thing keeping it at this rating is that it gets boring after a game or two. Gameplay is fun, characters are fun to play as and to interact with. All the different modes and the character customization make me come back to this game a lot more than I thought I would

I always want to play competitive Pokemon, but lord is it difficult to get exactly what I want for a team. Showdown makes it seamless to just make your own team and battle online. Been playing it since X and Y

This game runs and plays a lot smoother than Madden games today, which isn't saying a lot, but it's worth something. Franchise mode is always a blast in these older games and the roster is pure nostalgia for me

I think it's safe to say this is the best sonic game I've played. So much heart and soul was put into this and the final product is just pure joy in form of a 2d platformer. The levels are extremely fun, and the gameplay is about the smoothest thing ever

While I enjoy the story and of course laying the groundwork for the Saints Row Series, the gameplay has just not aged that well, and the activites weren't doing it for me like other SR games

This game just rules. Story, characters, missions and activities are all good times. The gameplay itself can be a bit weird at times but it doesn't take too much away from it

Lacking in terms of story, though I didn't mind Lysandre as a villain. The gameplay is typical Pokemon battles with a few changes that makes the grind a bit easier. EXP share was handled great in my opinion, as it's something you can turn off if you don't want to use it. Not a difficult game, but then again, most Pokemon games aren't difficult anyway. The diversity of Pokemon in this game is one of the high points, as you could complete the game with such a different set of mons each playthrough.

My personal favorite Pokemon spinoff game. The gameplay loop is a bit repetitive but it's enjoyable finding perfect links and battling in the different maps of the game. Each pokemon only having one move seemed like a weird choice at first but it adds just that bit more strategy to it. Not a hard game by any means, but it definitely has its moments here and there. Art style is great and using actual Japanese warlords is so interesting and cool. Postgame giving you the ability to play as all the other warlords was a fun choice

If I'm being completely honest, this high review comes from memories of watching my mom play it and playing it as a child. Colorful, lots of levels, and all the secrets that come with it make me look back on this game very fondly

Definitely had a lot more fun with this as a teen. Heists were a high point in GTA Online and I just got more and more bored with it over time. I just get on from time to time to play at the casino

The first romhack I played as a kid, and I can't tell you the story off the top of my head but as a kid who didn't have access to any Pokemon games this was great. I'd visit a friend and we'd play it together and those were great times