Ling Rise 1999

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 30, 2024

Platforms Played


Crash Bandicoot if it were a JRPG with minor Tamagotchi-like mechanics.

The game itself is relatively short and clearly low budget in pretty much all facets of the game. I think the game works so well because of its simplicity. Running and jumping throughout the levels and slowly developing your pet monsters works well enough, and the soundtrack (comprised of 90s DNB, moody ambience and cozy JRPG town music) really made the experience so much more memorable. The game is filled with neat little ideas. Lots of small moments in either gameplay or narrative that made the experience tons of fun.

Its not perfect, your pet monsters get stuck behind walls on occasion and much of the mechanics present could use with serious expansion. The narrative itself still reads half-finished and rushed. But there's still some solid character moments present in the game and some reaallly nice subtle details tucked away in the corner.

The game is a seed of a truly amazing game that doesn't exist but I love the game regardless. Would recommend it if you like games like Klonoa, since it'll scratch that same itch.