Lots of Pikmin but very small adventure.

Pikmin 3 has a lot going at the beginning for the first pikmin its about getting your ship rebuilt, pikmin 2 is paying off a debt, now 3 is about saving a planet from starvation. from one captain to two and now three its alot of fun of sending your team to other areas on the map to get your work done. when you find everything their nothing left and just end the day.

Pikmin 3 has 5 areas but they feel so small and just when you got used to the area it is shortly lived and move to the next. When you reach the end you don't even get to go back and explore the planet more.

I enjoyed the new pikmin, the few boss fights and though small the world is its still fun going through it. I just hope when Pikmin 4 comes out it will be not small but a bigger adventure.

Will Win the fight and then go out for pizzas. Wait wrong show.

TMNT Shredder's Revenge is a homage to its classic arcade style beat em up turtles in time and does more. The sprite animation looks great and resembles the 1987 cartoon. It's amazing they brought back the voices from the show for the game.

you can play other characters then the four turtles like April, Splinter, and Casey Jones (possible other characters as DLC?) with their own stats and abilities. With friends or online it gets chaotic when characters use their specials.

A few flaws that the game has that when playing online the level will start without the characters spawning or certain enemies will turn invisible.

I recommend this game if you are a TMNT fan or if you're not a fan it's still fun and worth the asking price.

Turtle Power!

Small on plate but great in taste.

Cuphead DLC adds new a new area bosses, charms and attacks. The animation as always looks great. the inclusion of a new character miss. Chalice offers different abilities. It's a small area but how much that's in it is worthy of asking price.

Gotta stack em all!

Pokemon puzzle league brings the fun and adds more to the puzzle style game. The game just like Tetris attack has a story mode where you challenge the Kanto Gym leaders and many others to battle against the puzzle champion. the choice of pokemon doesn't make a difference at the start of the battle. just pick your favorite and keep stacking.

The music is possibly the huge nostalgia for a lot of pokemon fans including myself. most of the songs are from the 2.B.A master soundtrack and others from the pokemon orange league anime.

If your new pokemon fan that started further in the series, I recommend you give this a game a try as the old fans who never played tetris attack to try this as well.