Mario + Rabbids. The crossover that nobody asked for but turn out to be a very fun strategy style turn based game.

Mario and Rabbids continues with the strategy style and adds more with new characters like Edge, Rabbid Rosalina, Bowser and the new inclusion of sparks or Rabbid lumas.

Sparks gives Mario and his team different advantages during combat. A spark could increase attack or defenses and have element powers such as fire, water, electricity that enemies could be weak to.

Your teammates all have a different weapon and abilities in battle. Mario has two blasters; Peach has umbrella blaster and Edge fights with a sword. You can choose who you want to bring to battle. you can have just the mushroom kingdom characters or all Rabbids.

A little nitpick is that they got rid of the challenges and ranking. in the first game you get a bronze to gold trophy's on how well you do in battles. Also got rid of couch co-op.

Sparks Of Hope will not be everyone game but how they put a lot of effort and care to it, I hope this series does well and continues to move on the right track. Worth the full price and I look forward to the DLC and bringing back Rayman.

As Professor Oak would say "Well Done"

Pokémon Snap is nostalgia trip for me. I spent many hours on this game during my childhood and still Pokémon snap has charm to it.

Pokémon snap is just what the opening title begins, just snapping pictures of Pokémon. You start the game as photographer with a name of your choice and his goal is to take a photo of the legendary Mew.

You'll start the first level at a beach, and you'll progress to a tunnel, volcano, river, cave, valley and rainbow cloud. during your travel you'll be taking pictures of Pokémon to progress through the game and be scored on how well those pictures were taken. the scoring is a bit faulty at times, you'll sometimes get higher scores on pictures that are not great then to the one that's exactly on frame.

What makes Pokémon snap special was definitely the advertising for the game and during the Pokémon hype. commercials telling you to Take your copy to BlockBuster and take it to machine to get stickers of the photos you took, and it worked very well.

Pokémon Snap won't take long to finish and possibly a product of its time during the Pokémon craze I still recommend it for short bits of fun.

Some improvements here and there.

Splatoon 3 is definitely if it ain't broke don't fix it but let's add a little more to it. The story mode plays like the splatoon 2 octo expansion with you playing a level with mission quest like get through a level with the paint roller or ride the rails to get to the end. a few are a little difficult but not being unfair. (There is a boss fight that does a callback from super Mario sunshine which I thought it was cool)

you'll mostly spending most of your time in multiplayer with turf war or anarchy battles like tower control, clam blitz, Splat zones and earning money and leveling up for better clothes, unlocking weapons plus new cosmetic stuff for your locker that you can decorate however you like.

Salamon run returns and is always open if you want to play and the new tableturf battle is a fun distraction.

The major issue with the game like a few online battles is either you're going to get connection errors and players leaving during a match. Nothing makes a player more upset then to be on a winning team just to for the other team to rage quit and ending it with a draw.

Splatoon 3 is more splatoon with some improvements. If you love the games so far, you'll feel right at home and as newcomers should start with this one.

Lots of Pikmin but very small adventure.

Pikmin 3 has a lot going at the beginning for the first pikmin its about getting your ship rebuilt, pikmin 2 is paying off a debt, now 3 is about saving a planet from starvation. from one captain to two and now three its alot of fun of sending your team to other areas on the map to get your work done. when you find everything their nothing left and just end the day.

Pikmin 3 has 5 areas but they feel so small and just when you got used to the area it is shortly lived and move to the next. When you reach the end you don't even get to go back and explore the planet more.

I enjoyed the new pikmin, the few boss fights and though small the world is its still fun going through it. I just hope when Pikmin 4 comes out it will be not small but a bigger adventure.

interesting at first but got boring really fast. I have a farm full of Bidoof, Starly and Shinx. I caught a shiny bidoof doing this BUT I LOST IT! overall got the mew but not really worth going back again. fun idea and better than a boring PC box.

We drive, we fight, find stuff, repeat cycle.

Mad Max fury road introduced me to the series of movies and making a game of it would have been fun with insane cars and locations but feels lazy and repetitive.

The introduction of the game looks exciting, but you will not experience that in the game. There are other cars you'll be able to try, but you'll be mostly using your custom car and one other car with your dog. Most of the game is finding car materials, fight the same guys and take over the area. After that you'll be doing the same thing over and over again until you become insane from repetition.

If they ever do a sequel in the future, I hope for more over the top cars, better loot and upgrades and less desolated with more events going on.

Gotta stack em all!

Pokemon puzzle league brings the fun and adds more to the puzzle style game. The game just like Tetris attack has a story mode where you challenge the Kanto Gym leaders and many others to battle against the puzzle champion. the choice of pokemon doesn't make a difference at the start of the battle. just pick your favorite and keep stacking.

The music is possibly the huge nostalgia for a lot of pokemon fans including myself. most of the songs are from the 2.B.A master soundtrack and others from the pokemon orange league anime.

If your new pokemon fan that started further in the series, I recommend you give this a game a try as the old fans who never played tetris attack to try this as well.

Two become one or one become two?

People say that if you don't know the Xenoblade series it's fine to start off with this one but I would recommend playing the first or the second Xenoblade games so you will get a premise of the Xenoblade world and many of its callbacks. The game does have a lot of content, so you'll be spending hours into it.

-Great story
- likeable main characters
-different variety of classes to play as
- much to do in the world
-Quest marker for easy tracking
- Many over the top battles
- Interlink and chain commands
- very good soundtrack
- more future content coming soon

- equip to different accessories in the menu is a mess
- can take a long time to learn new classes to other characters
- Battles sometimes drag on
- this game really needs a monster encyclopedia
- One unlikeable person (you'll know who she is)
- Quest tracker picky on quest locations
- Yes, Lanz you are MVP but i don't need to keep hearing it over and over again!

I would go more into detail, but I don't want to spoil anymore of this game.

Xenoblade 3 is a great time and worth the full price. I already picked Elden ring as game of the year, but Xenoblade 3 is in my top 10 best games of 2022 and will return back to this game with all the new content coming up.

There's no party like a Mario party.

If you played the old Mario party, then this game is a nostalgia trip. Old boards, classic mini games, Items that can make or break friendships. This is a love letter to those people who enjoyed them. With added online you can play without the fear for your life ending from the person next to you.

issue with the game is they're not a lot of boards to play on. complete the constellations is pointless and the mini game island could of use the actual mini game island board game.

I recommend this game and hopefully this will be a step forward for other Mario party games or add some DLC to it.

(Nitpick is that they didn't add Mario Bandstand or limbo dance)

You, Mii, and my friends against a dark lord who looks like Ronald Mcdonald or Tom Cruise.

Miitopia is very creative for the customization of Miis who plays the rolls of this world. Letting you to create a mii to go on a wacky adventure playing as the hero to save everyone. It doesn't have to be you it could be someone completely made up or someone from a tv show or movie doing this quest.

miitopia has a variety of jobs that you can give your mii. they can be a warrior, mage, to even being a pop star or a cat with different abilities. once the mii enter a fight you can't control on what they do. you can heal or help them but most of the fighting is up to the miis. sometimes they will attack, or they will be standing around doing nothing but using healing items. this could be frustrating to some people but be funny to others.

I recommend this game if want a creative and sometimes random time.

Your still Batman.

Batman Arkham City still holds up with its fun combat mechanics, Story and its open world of Arkam. Arkham City with has its few flaws, Catwomen part in the story feels short and playing as her ends so quickly just when you're getting used to her style in combat. I also had some experience some crashes on the PC version but didn't ruin the experience replaying it again.

Solving the Riddlers challenges with his trophies around Arkham or doing the combat and sneaking missions sometimes challenging but not unfair is satisfying.

even after its release in 2011 I still recommend this game for its combat, story and challenges.

Well it could of been worse. At least their not charging a player character casino like FIFA does.

I will give a few positive for this game and its the animation of the characters. it feels like the budget for DK to bust a move or Rosalina kick her ball to soccer galaxy went to. The controls will take time to get used to but it does feel odd that the A button is the Charge kick when the others used to be the B button. and sadly you cant change the controls.

The real kick in the electric fence is the lack of characters, game options and animations. you can only use 10 characters but Mario Strikers Charged has 12. and those are the captains with Mario Strikers charged you get sidekicks like hammer bro, boo, monty mole and others. I prefer that you have only one captain so not everyone can't spam their Super Strike when they have the ball. It would of been nice to change the controls or be able to save replays of the games. you can use your switch to record it but during online game its awkward. A few more victory and lose animations would of been nice cause you watch the same thing and feels repetitive.

Mario Strikers Battle league feels hollow and i don't see myself going back for this once Nintendo spoon drops add on to it.

Will Win the fight and then go out for pizzas. Wait wrong show.

TMNT Shredder's Revenge is a homage to its classic arcade style beat em up turtles in time and does more. The sprite animation looks great and resembles the 1987 cartoon. It's amazing they brought back the voices from the show for the game.

you can play other characters then the four turtles like April, Splinter, and Casey Jones (possible other characters as DLC?) with their own stats and abilities. With friends or online it gets chaotic when characters use their specials.

A few flaws that the game has that when playing online the level will start without the characters spawning or certain enemies will turn invisible.

I recommend this game if you are a TMNT fan or if you're not a fan it's still fun and worth the asking price.

Turtle Power!

Small on plate but great in taste.

Cuphead DLC adds new a new area bosses, charms and attacks. The animation as always looks great. the inclusion of a new character miss. Chalice offers different abilities. It's a small area but how much that's in it is worthy of asking price.

Sonic Frontiers. one step forward and hopefully no steps back this time

Sonic Frontiers is the new game for the downward spiral that is the Sonic series. Sonic boom didn't help, and Sonic Forces kept it going. Alot of bad after bad games and now it feels like a breath of fresh air for sonic Although flawed it still has some fun things going in it.

Sonic Frontiers is not like the other sonic games with the mission Act levels but more open world and running around and finding the chaos emeralds. Frontiers also has combat that you fight different enemies to being small to huge bosses called titans. (Insert Attack on Titan theme here)

To Collect the Chaos emeralds, Sonic needs to get gears from enemies to enter a Cyber space level. The Cyber space levels are the least fun, they are too short and feels copy pasted from other sonic games. A big issue with the game is the Camra which will not follow sonic leading to unfair deaths. and sometimes the areas in the open world will force the Camra into a 2D side and can't get out until you do the task.

Sonic Frontiers with its faults still have some good parts in it. The story is ok, Open world is fun and the combat not great can be fun at times. Its Sonic but trying to crawl back into decent games again If you like Sonic to be more open world and running wherever you may want this game. If you like Sonic mission act style, you're going to be disappointed.

(Running around an open green hill zone would be fun)